If you are self-employed and looking to find a debt consolidation loan, there are options available. Although it is sometimes more difficult to demonstrate stable income and constant employment if you are self-employed, the majority of lenders will still be happy to approve debt consolidation loans for self-employed borrowers if their finances and paperwork are in order.
Being self-employed comes with many challenges including managing your finances, filing your own taxes, and ensuring you have enough work each month to pay the bills. Managing multiple debts can be an additional stress.
Debt consolidation loans are a way to streamline your debt so that you can pay it off quicker, save money in the long run and reduce the likelihood of missing a payment and suffering detrimental financial consequences.
Why Might You Need a Debt Consolidation Loan?
Debt consolidation loans are a way to streamline multiple debts into one unified debt repayment. For example, you could take high-interest debts, such as credit card bills or payday loans, and put them into one, lower-interest loan.
There are many benefits to debt consolidation, especially if you have multiple lines of credit. When you have multiple debts, it can be difficult to remember what you owe, to whom and when the payments need to be made.
Thus, it becomes easy to miss payments and incur additional charges and financial stress. When you consolidate your debt into one loan, it becomes far easier to manage as you only need to make one payment each month. Not only that, but it could mean paying back your debt quicker and saving money in the long run.
Are Debt Consolidation Loans for the Self-Employed Worth It?
If you are self-employed, you may have found that loans are out of reach when applying to traditional financial institutions and lenders.
This is because, often these providers have a limited view of employment; they want proof of stable employment for more than 2 years.
However, if you are self-employed, taking out a loan is not impossible. If your documents are in order and you can demonstrate stable income for at least two years, there is no reason why loan providers should not take your application seriously.
Debt consolidation loans are a way to take control of your finances. If you are self-employed and want to streamline your debt, debt consolidation loans should still be a reasonable option and, depending on the loan provider, should still be available to you.
How Do You Qualify For a Debt Consolidation Loan?
In order to qualify for a debt consolidation loan, you will need to meet the lending criteria specified by the loan provider. This will vary depending on the specific lender or financial institution but typically they will take into consideration your credit score, debt to income ratio and employment situation.
Before applying for a debt consolidation loan, you should check the eligibility criteria for the lender and make sure that you definitely meet them.
If you are not approved for the loan, it will appear on your credit report and could impact your future borrowing power, so you will want to ensure that you are likely to be approved for the loan before applying. As part of this, you may want to be clear about what your credit score is and whether you might need to boost it before applying for a loan.
If you are self-employed, you will most likely need to provide proof of income to the loan provider in order to be approved for a debt consolidation loan. The more thorough you are with your paperwork (including expenses and earnings), the more it will work in your favour.